24 junio, 2024

FRAMEWORK GUIDE to incorporating elements of disarmament into the national action plans on Resolution 1325 in COSTARICA, EL SALVADOR, GUATEMALA Y HONDURAS

The application of UNSC Resolution 1325 and its related resolutions is not limited to countries affected
by armed conflict, or those hosting peace operations. It is well known that conflicts occurring in our region are not necessarily best addressed from a military or international humanitarian law perspective,
but rather in terms of human security. In this context, the issues of gun control and armed violence
prevention deserve attention and action.
The main objective of this guide is to create effective synergies between the development and
implementation of action plans on international gender instruments, in particular UN Security Council
Resolution 1325 and related resolutions, with the instruments relating to the control of firearms,
ammunition, parts, and components.
The first section sets out key provisions of international instruments relating to (a) gender-based
violence against women and (b) firearms, ammunition, parts, and components. While these topics
were traditionally addressed in totally separate international instruments, more recently they have
been explicitly linked.
The guide then addresses general concepts related to the control of firearms, ammunition, parts and
components, according to the international arms instruments.
Next are some provisions of international instruments that can serve as a conceptual framework for
developing national action plans, especially where links are made between violence against women,
firearms, and the need to address arms transfers and misuse.
Some recommendations are provided for States in the region to incorporate elements of disarmament
and control of firearms, ammunition, parts and components, as set out in the various international
instruments, into national action plans on UNSCR 1325 and related resolutions.

Complete document.

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